Squarespace SEO 2024: A Comprehensive Guide to Boost Your Website's Rankings

Introduction to Squarespace SEO

If you own a business, you know showing up in search engines plays a huge role in your overall success. Over the last decade, the state of SEO has undergone significant transformations. It's no longer just about keywords and technical aspects, though those do still play a role. Today, ranking in search engines requires a holistic approach that focuses on strategic content creation, linking, content promotion and more.

In this guide, I will cover the fundamentals of SEO for Squarespace and also take a deep dive into winning strategies that will empower you as a creator and business owner. I have experienced firsthand the power of implementing the same strategies I’ll be outlining as they have played a pivotal role in ranking my website for search terms related to my business. We will explore how to create valuable content, utilize pillar pages and content clusters, utilize SEO best practices and ultimately help your website gain more visibility in Google searches. Let’s get started.

On-Page Optimization Techniques for Squarespace Websites

On-page optimization is a crucial aspect of Squarespace SEO that focuses on optimizing elements within your Squarespace website to improve search rankings and provide a better user experience. Google spiders are responsible for crawling your website and using the information we provide them when we build a website to return a search result when someone makes a google search. By implementing these techniques, you can help Google better understand why your website is the best result to return to someone making a search query and attract more organic traffic.

A. Title Tags, Meta Descriptions and Header Optimization 🔖

  1. Title Tags: Title tags are HTML elements that define the title of a web page. Optimizing title tags is essential for SEO, as search engines use them as a key ranking factor. When creating title tags, include relevant keywords and ensure they accurately describe the content of the page. Aim for concise, compelling titles that encourage users to click through to your website.

    The best practice for title tags on Squarespace websites is to keep them concise and descriptive, ideally between 50-60 characters, in order to effectively communicate the content and purpose of the page, such as "Tiny Coast Digital - Web Design and Development" or "About Us | Squarespace Web Design Experts."

  2. Meta Descriptions: A meta description is a concise snippet of text that appears in search engine results below the page title, offering a brief summary of the webpage's content. A well-crafted meta description should be under 160 characters, unique to each page, include relevant keywords, highlight the value or unique selling proposition of the webpage, and create a sense of curiosity or urgency for users to click.

If you are unclear on how to add SEO descriptions to Squarespace websites, you’ll want to visit this guide.

  1. Header Optimization: Headers, represented by H1, H2, H3, etc., provide structure to your content and help search engines understand the hierarchy and relevance of information. When optimizing headers, place relevant keywords in H1 tags, which should ideally match the title tag. Use H2 and H3 headers to organize subtopics and make your content more scannable for users and search engines.

B. URL Structure and Best Practices 🌐

  1. Logical Structure: Squarespace automatically generates URLs based on your page titles. That said, it's important to review and modify URLs to ensure a logical structure that reflects your content. Include relevant keywords in URLs to provide search engines and users with an understanding of your page's topic. One place I find it especially important to modify my URLs is when creating Squarespace blog posts as these tend to be too long.

    Here’s a quick overview for URL structure from Squarespace.

  2. Use Hyphens: When creating URLs, use hyphens to separate words for readability. Hyphens are search engine-friendly as they are more easily recognized and understood than underscores or other characters.

  3. Keep It Short: Shorter URLs are more user-friendly and easier to share. Aim for concise URLs that accurately represent the content of your page while excluding unnecessary words or characters.

C. Image Optimization for SEO 📷

  1. File Names: When uploading images to your Squarespace website, rename the files to include relevant keywords. This helps search engines understand the content of the image and improves your chances of appearing in image search results.

  2. Alt Text: Alt text, or alternative text, is a brief descriptive text added to an image. Alt text serves as a textual representation of the image for visually impaired users or where an image cannot be loaded. Optimize your image alt text by including keywords and giving a concise yet informative description of the image. This helps search engines understand the image's context and provides accessibility for visually impaired users.

  3. File Size and Compression: Large image files can slow down your website's loading speed, negatively impacting user experience and SEO. Use image editing tools or Squarespace's built-in image compression to reduce file sizes without compromising image quality.

example of a website image that needs to be optimized

Content Creation and Optimization for SEO

In the past, SEO strategies heavily relied on keyword stuffing, which involved cramming as many keywords into the content as possible to rank higher in search engine results. Today, SEO is focused on creating high-quality, user-centred content that not only satisfies search engine algorithms but also engages and adds value to the target audience. Let’s take a more detailed look at how you can use content marketing strategies to grow your business.

A. Create Valuable and Engaging Content 🙌

  1. Understand Your Target Audience: To create valuable content, it's important to understand your target audience. Research their needs, preferences, and pain points.

    The Jobs to be Done framework is a great tool understanding the underlying motivations and goals of your website audience. By utilizing this framework, you can gain insightful insights into the specific jobs your audience is trying to accomplish when visiting your website. When you have this insight into your audience, you can craft content that addresses their questions and helps them complete their desired tasks.

  2. If you can't quite define your audience, you'll want to create marketing personas. Marketing personas are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customer and involve demographic and psychometric data. By creating buyer personas you can have a more robust understanding of your audience, the kind of search terms they might use, and the kind of content and messaging that resonates with them.

  3. Provide Original and Unique Content: Stand out from the competition by creating original and unique content that offers a fresh perspective or provides new insights. Today, especially with the introduction of AI Tools, you need to offer helpful content with a unique perspective. This will not only attract more visitors but also encourage them to stay longer on your website and engage with your content. A great place to start is to consider your own business or skill set and create content in the form of case studies, how-to guides or break down a method you personally used to see success with your own business.

    Remember, creating valuable content is about empathizing with your audience and carefully considering what they are trying to achieve and the types of content that they will find valuable and the messaging that will resonate with them.

    If you are struggling to effectively communicate your benefits to your audience in a way that is meaningful, make sure to go back to the basics, and get started with creating a value prop and getting clear on your why, benefits and overall positioning. While this may seem like an obvious step, it is often an overlooked one, and is a fundamental piece of creating stellar content as you continue to grow your business.

  4. Consider Where People Are At In the Buyer’s Journey: The buyer's journey, consisting of the stages from awareness to consideration to decision, necessitates the use of varied content types to appeal to different audience segments at different points in their journey. By carefully crafting and optimizing content, businesses can effectively resonate with their target audience and guide them towards making informed purchasing decisions.

buyer persona worksheet that can be used for small business owners when designing a Squarespace website
xamples of stages people take in the buyers journey when landing on a website

B. Utilizing Keywords Strategically in Website Copy 📝

  1. Keyword Research: Conduct keyword research to identify relevant keywords related to your niche or industry. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer or SEMrush to find keywords with high search volume and moderate competition.

  2. Optimize Title Tags and Headings: Incorporate your target keywords in title tags and headings to improve search engine visibility. However, make sure the usage of keywords is natural and does not affect the readability of your content.

C. Content Pillars, Pillar Pages and Content Clusters 📚

  1. Understanding Pillar Pages: Pillar pages are comprehensive, high-quality content pieces that cover broad topics. They serve as the foundation of your website's content and provide valuable information to users. These pages are optimized to address users' search intent and establish your website's authority on the topic.

    • This SEO Beginner’s Guide is a great example of a pillar page broken into different subtopics.

    • On my own website, you can see I have created this comprehensive yet broad pillar page that serves as a how-to guide for starting a business online. This content breaks into subtopics and then branches off into several individual blog posts.

    • Last but not least, here’s another example of a pillar page from Wix offering a how-to guide for creating a successful Youtube channel.

    In these examples, you can see how pillar pages start somewhat broad and introduce new subptopics throughout the page, offering enough valuable information as to not overwhelm website visitors but give them a good overview of a lofty topic or area of expertise. From there, each subptopic within the pillar page can then branch off into individual blog posts, offering greater detail and richer information.

  2. Importance of Content Clusters: To further strengthen your SEO efforts, content clusters are utilized. These clusters consist of related articles or blog posts that delve into specific subtopics within the pillar page. By interlinking these pieces, search engines can understand the relevance and authority of your content, leading to improved rankings and increased organic traffic.

  3. Benefits of Internal Linking: Internal linking plays a vital role in SEO by helping search engines navigate your website and establish a hierarchy of importance within your content. By strategically linking relevant pages to each other, you enhance the user experience, guiding visitors from one valuable piece of content to another. This increases engagement and the time spent on your site.

  4. Content Pillars: Content pillars play a vital role in content creation by acting as a north star for developing engaging and consistent content. Unlike pillar pages, which focus on specific long-form pieces of content, content pillars centre around essential topics or themes related to a brand's expertise. These pillars serve as a framework for creating various forms of content, such as blog posts, videos, social media content, and more. Well-defined content pillars help you stay the course and ensure your content remains relevant, aligned with your brand's message, and resonates with your target audience.

Putting in the work to think strategically about your core business expertise and creating valuable content around these verticals can play a huge role in driving website traffic, as it positions you as an industry authority and attracts a highly targeted audience interested in your offerings.

I have personally used pillar page and content clusters, along with on page SEO best practice (such as headings, meta descriptions, alt-tags) to rank on the first page of Google for search terms related to my business. Here, you can see my website is ranked as the first organic result for search terms including localized keywords.


Off-Page SEO Strategies for Squarespace Websites

Off-page SEO plays a key role in improving your website's ranking and visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). These strategies focus on techniques that are outside of your website but still play a crucial role in search engine optimization.

A. Build High-Quality Backlinks 🔗

Backlinks are links from external websites that point to your website. Search engines use the number and quality of these links to determine your website's authority and relevance. You may find people selling backlinks, but in my opinion this isn’t the way to go. Rather, focus on quality content creation and promotion.

  1. Guest blogging: Writing for another website in your industry can provide you with an opportunity to link back to your site.

  2. Reclaiming broken links: If another website links to a page that no longer exists on your site, you can reach out to them and suggest they replace the link with a working one.

  3. Create Quality Content: Creating high-quality and helpful content, such as informative guides or long-form articles, not only benefits your audience but also serves as a powerful tool for generating backlinks. When other websites find value in your content, they are more likely to link back to your site, enhancing your website's authority and visibility. By demonstrating your expertise and providing valuable information, you increase the likelihood of attracting organic backlinks, ultimately boosting your website's search engine rankings and driving more traffic to your site.

B. Social Media Promotion and Engagement 📱

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your Squarespace website. Social media engagement can lead to more backlinks, improved brand recognition, and an increase in website traffic.

  1. Use social media platforms wisely: Choose social media platforms that resonate with your target audience and where they are most active. For example, if you are targeting a younger demographic, you should consider using Instagram and TikTok. If you are offering professional services, consider using LinkedIn. Each of these channels have different types of content formats that perform better than others. Before you invest time and effort into creating content for these platforms, make sure you carefully think first about your target audience along with the type of content that performs on respective channels.

    Here’s an excellent article on content distribution from SparkToro that you’ll want to check out.

  2. Create shareable content: Sharing valuable and entertaining content can improve your social media reach and attract backlinks. Today there are incredible tools available to create captivating and interactive content, and one such tool is Canva. With Canva, you can quickly and easily design stunning graphics, infographics and social media posts sized for different platforms. One of my favourite features of Canva is their library of templates, images, icons, and fonts that make it an excellent option for individuals and businesses looking to create visually appealing content across platforms.

    Below you can see an example of some of the ready made Instagram Story templates Canva offers.

canva templates for social media promotion
3d icons of popular social media channels

Measuring Your SEO Efforts

To ensure your SEO efforts are working regularly analyze performance using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

  1. Understanding Audience Engagement: Measuring the performance of your content allows you to gain a deeper understanding of how your audience engages with your website. Make sure monitor metrics like traffic trends, bounce rates and time on site to see how your content is performing. You can use this data to make informed decisions about how you should adjust your content and overall content strategy to better meet the needs of your audience.

  2. Tracking Search Engine Rankings: As you implement your content cluster strategy, it is essential to monitor your search engine rankings. Tools like Google Search Console help you track what keywords your content is raking for and identify opportunities for improvement.

  3. Optimizing Conversion Rates: Measuring your content effort can help you determine if your content is effectively driving conversions. Whether your goal is to capture leads, generate sales, or encourage sign-ups, it's important to track your conversion rates so you have a better understanding of where to use your time and energy moving forward.

  4. Update and Refresh Content: Continuously update content clusters with new and relevant content to engage with your audience and maintain search engine visibility.

    For instance, I regularly publish new blog posts featuring design inspiration, updates about the latest Squarespace features and I recently released a series of how-to, step by step guides. Consistent updating also helps your website remain fresh and relevant, pleasing the search engine algorithms and improving your ranking.


It's important to recognize that true success in SEO requires a holistic and comprehensive approach. When it comes to SEO, it's not about shortcuts; it's about a commitment to understanding, adapting, and consistently delivering valuable content to reach your desired audience.

To create valuable and engaging content for your Squarespace website, it's important to have a deep understanding of your audience's needs, preferences, and pain points throughout their buyer's journey.

Utilizing pillar pages and content clusters can help organize and structure your website's content in an effective way. Additionally, implementing internal linking improves the hierarchy of your site and enhances the overall user experience. Consistently applying these strategies will help you drive more traffic, increase engagement, and boost conversions on your Squarespace website.

To make sure nothing slips through the cracks, Squarespace provides an SEO checklist. Find the detailed checklist here: Squarespace SEO Checklist. Wishing you happy content creating and optimizing and best of luck with you SEO efforts!

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